Description of a Method for Characterising the Radiological Inventory of a Nuclear Facility using the Example of Chinon NPP Unit A2
30 November -0001
NUKEM was awarded a contract by EDF CIDEN to carry out a study with regard to a method statement for characterising the radiological inventory of a nuclear facility using the example of Chinon NPP Unit A2. The study outcomes and the methods for practical application were disseminated at an international conference.
As agreed with the customer, the study was split in two phases:
- Phase 1: Development of a method statement for the characterisation of activity inventory of a nuclear facility
- Phase 2: Calculation of activity inventory as exemplified by the CO2 circuit at Chinon NPP unit A2 after application of the method developed during Phase 1
NUKEM Technologies GmbH provided the following services:
- Elaboration of preliminary study for Phase 1 and its finalization with the customer in a workshop (presentation of results and discussion), internalizing the results
- Preparation of an explanatory note on the measured data submitted to the customer
- Calculating radiological inventory for the given circuit, including random sampling, uncertainty analysis, documentation and Phase 2 preliminary report
- Finalization of Phase 2 with the customer during a workshop (presentation of results and discussion), internalizing the results