Engineering Services for the Dismantling and Reconstruction of Decontamination Areas for URENCO Deutschland GmbH
URENCO is upgrading the waste water treatment facilities at its uranium enrichment plant in Gronau as far as decontamination is concerned. NUKEM Technologies was tasked with engineering services, including licensing and procurement of various process systems.
Design work under this project was split in three phases:
- Preparation of licensing package
- Detailed design
- Decommissioning plan
The licensing phase comprised the preparation of the documents required to secure the regulatory approval for upgrading the water treatment facilities. During the detailed design phase, documents were elaborated in detail to the extent allowing URENCO to invite tenders for the implementation of the project. The decommissioning plan comprised the planning required to dismantle the components (decommissioning concept), remove them from their current locations, fragment and take measurements for clearance and disposal. Further, design scope provided for the conceptual planning how to bring in and install new components. Finally, on the basis of the previously prepared documents, a bill of quantities was put together as part of the tendering documentation. NUKEM Technologies also supported URENCO during the bidding phase.
NUKEM provided the following services:
- Preparation of licencing package
- Elaboration of detailed design
- Elaboration of dismantling design
- Demolition concept
- Clearance concept
- Installation sequence plan
- Disposal concept
- Tendering procedure - preparation and assistance
- Documentation.