Reconditioning Concept for Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf GmbH

Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf tasked NUKEM to perform a feasibility study for implementation of a reconditioning concept for homogenously and non-homogenously cemented waste inside 200l drums.
The feasibility study constitutes the basis for identifying the most technically sound reconditioning processes and subsequent designing and implementation of the required components. The main points of the feasibility study are as follows:
- Brief description of the current situation
- Description of reconditioning processes for homogenously and non-homogenously grouted 200l waste drums
- Simplified layout of the reconditioning facility inside a caisson in consideration of the local conditions
- Preparation of the list of components
- Cost estimation
- Schedule estimate
NUKEM carries out a feasibility study in line with relevant codes and standards and according to the state of the art for design, construction and reconstruction of nuclear waste treatment facilities, systems and components. The major focus of the study is as follows:
- Consideration of options with regard to cutting and handling techniques
- Detailed evaluation and selection of the most suitable option
- Elaboration of the preferred option in detail