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Interview with Christian Jurianz, Director Business Development and Sales

Mr Jurianz, Bill Gates once said: "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” Would you agree with this statement?

Yes, absolutely. The quote is about customer satisfaction in general and the innovation potential of a company. Of course, our first and foremost goal is to have satisfied customers. But unhappy customers are the ones who tell you the truth. If we deal with criticism openly and constructively, it is these customers who give us good pointers as to what we can do better and how. This includes customer-specific project details as well as new requirements to our products and technical solutions and hints about what our competitors might be doing better. Careful analysis of this information can yield great potential for the company and even for the future of our own business model.

If you were to pick just one thing, what do you think is the most important USP of NUKEM?

Field-proven technology that is guaranteed to meet all safety requirements. The one that can be used for a long time without causing any problems – the famous "Made in Germany".

Is there a secret recipe for long-term customer loyalty?

Actually, there is no secret recipe – in fact, the answer would sound like a simple truism. However, these commonplace basics are quite difficult to put into practice. It's all about trust, mutual trust. The best way to build this trust is to continuously support your customers by providing them with good services and high-quality products and delivering them within the promised schedule and price range. Lending a helping hand to a customer when he finds himself in a difficult situation can help build a very close relationship with him. This creates a bond, just like in any partnership. But you must always keep in mind that a customer relationship built up over a long period of time can be destroyed in a matter of moments - by non-performance or a breach of trust.

What do you think is special about our market environment?

Not even a prophet could have predicted that the current energy crisis would lead to an extension, albeit brief, of the operating lives of nuclear power plants in Germany. But the crucial thing is that it will lead to a discussion about sustainable energy supply security. This motivates the younger generation in the first place. The public mood is by all means shifting towards acceptance of safe operation of nuclear power plants. Other countries are not following the German phase-out model anyway. New business opportunities arise for us regularly. I can give you an example. NUKEM, with its know-how in fuel fabrication technology, is currently a very sought-after partner for the development of solutions in various international SMR projects. Thanks to our proven technology and highly specialized engineers, we have our finger on the pulse of the nuclear industry.

NUKEM Technologies in Karlstein am Main, Germany, is world-wide active in the areas of management of radioactive waste and spent fuel, decommissioning of nuclear facilities, engineering and consulting. For more than 60 years NUKEM Technologies provides high quality products, technologies and services, where Innovation, Solutions and Excellence are closely linked.

Yvonne Amend
NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH
Zeche Gustav 6, 63791 Karlstein am Main
Tel: +49 6023 91-1321,
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