Our staff is the basis for our success. We give a very high priority to the continuous development of our employees.
We foster their vocational and personal development by offering a wide range of advanced training possibilities. That is why during the recent months, in compliance with all necessary Corona safety precautions, our employees have completed several training courses and workshops.
In July 2020, several employees successfully completed a training course on installing wall plugs. Apart from common wall plugs, the undercut anchors used in nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities were subject of the training. The theoretical part took place at NUKEM in Alzenau. The practical part of the training was carried out in our mock-up hall. Under the critical eye of the training supervisor, all participants obtained the permission to install undercut anchors in nuclear facilities.
In autumn, we launched a series of workshops for our senior staff and management. The target of the training, which took place in two groups in September, was to increase the leadership skills of the managers. The in-house training was conducted in Alzenau by a very experienced business consultancy. Over the next few months, three modules will be held on different topics, such as personnel management and conducting one-on-one meetings with employees.
Also, currently we offer various intercultural training courses for all members of staff. Depending on the extent to which employees are involved in the communication with our Russian parent company or with other international business partners, they were divided into two different groups. The employees having contact with partners from other countries on a daily basis will take part in a two-day intercultural training course, thus having an opportunity to acquire in-depth understanding of other cultures. In order to enhance language skills of our employees, we provide weekly in-house language courses for English, Russian and, most recently, German.
NUKEM Technologies in Karlstein am Main, Germany, is world-wide active in the areas of management of radioactive waste and spent fuel, decommissioning of nuclear facilities, engineering and consulting. For more than 60 years NUKEM Technologies provides high quality products, technologies and services, where Innovation, Solutions and Excellence are closely linked.
Yvonne Amend
NUKEM Technologies Engineering Services GmbH
Zeche Gustav 6, 63791 Karlstein am Main
Tel: +49 6023 91-1321,