Plant Design Development for LasmA Project (Storage Facility for Low and Intermediate Level Waste at Brunsbüttel Nuclear Power Plant)
30 November -0001

As part of the decommissioning planning at the Brunsbüttel NPP, NUKEM carried out design work for a storage facility for low and intermediate level waste at the Brunsbüttel NPP (LasmA).
The design effort covered the following areas:
- Conceptual design, including analysis of options
- Preparation of licensing documents package as required by §7 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) with account taken of ESK guideline
- Elaboration of basic design concepts to the level of detailed design which allows issuing construction and process drawings and specifications.
NUKEM provided the following services:
- Analysis of possible options, including cost estimates
- Preparation of documents package to apply for the license as per §7 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV) with account taken of ESK guideline
- Development of detailed design to issue construction and process drawings and specifications in the following areas:
- radiation protection
- occupational safety
- water supply and sewerage
- heat supply
- ventilation
- communication and information technology
- lightning protection
- electrical power, instrumentation and control
- facility security and safety
- Issuance of operating instructions