Construction of a Near-Surface Repository for Low Level and Short-Lived Intermediate Level Waste in Bulgaria
July 2016, SERAW made a contract with a NUKEM-led German-Bulgarian consortium composed of Eurobild Ltd, JUNG Project Ltd, Korekt Ltd and Bulinvest Ltd for the first construction phase of a near-surface repository for low level and short-lived intermediate level waste in Bulgaria.
The near-surface repository will be constructed in three phases which are separated by as much as 20 years. The contract covers only Construction Phase 1 of the near-surface repository. Upon completion of Phase 1, the repository will be ready to receive 6,336 waste containers. Phases 2 and 3 will seek to enhance the available disposal capacity by another 6,336 waste containers respectively.
Every phase includes construction and subsequent operation of three identical platforms. Every platform comprises 22 disposal cells and associated infrastructure. Phase 1 includes construction of the first platform with relevant structures, systems and components as well as the required infrastructure for Phases 1 and 2.
The services to be provided by the consortium are as follows:
- Basic and Detail Design
- Procurement, including special equipment (cranes, covers, monitoring systems)
- Construction (22 storage cells and auxiliary buildings)
- Commissioning
- Training
- Project management